In early 2014, Missionary Todd Caudle began seeking the Lord's will about planting an Independent,
Bible Believing, KJV church in Cornwall, Ontario. The Lord directed him to investigate the area through
some contacts he had met during his furlough after serving in Alaska. Pastor Todd and his wife Eva made
a survey trip to the area during the month of March 2014. God made it clear to Pastor Todd through Isaiah
58:11-12 that Cornwall was the place He had called them to plant a new church. Bible Baptist Church of
Cornwall's first service was held on Sunday, December 14th
, 2014 at the Benson Centre. It was there the
church would meet for several years. In January of 2021, the Lord laid upon Pastor Todd's heart to turn
the work over to a Canadian National Pastor. He contacted his friend, Pastor Pete Kyriopoulos at
Montreal Bible Baptist Church who said he had a young preacher (Bro. Guillome Valee) in his church
who might be interested. At the very same time, the Lord was working in Bro. Guillome's heart, showing
him through many verses that He wanted him in the ministry. After many prayers, fastings, and a
unanimous vote from the church members of Bible Baptist Church in Cornwall, Bro. Guillome became
the new pastor. Pastor Guillome officially took over as pastor on June 14th
, 2021. Due to the Covid-19
crisis, the congregation moved from the location at the Benson Centre and held services in Pastor
Guillome's home for many months. After much prayer for a place that could hold more people, the Lord
answered their prayers and provided a space to rent in a commercial building at 812 Pitt St. in Cornwall.
The first service in the new building was held on December 1st
, 2021.